How we can help

Our kids are precious, the challenges real. We have courses, support groups and individual parent mentors available to help you with this job. Learning new strategies can help bring back the fun at home and help your kids have a great childhood with appropriate boundaries. We offer the following support courses:
Parenting Toolbox Courses
Two great courses developed in NZ by the Parenting Place. Join with other parents like you to discover practical ways to help you provide a great foundation for your children’s well-being. These 6 week, 2 hour session courses will inspire you to build on the great things you are all ready doing to give your children a great start to their lives.
The Younger Years Toolbox Course
What you will learn
In six sessions, typically run over six weeks, The Younger Years Toolbox Course will support you to develop a strong and loving bond with your child, and lay some good foundations for the rest of their lives. The course covers a range of topics, including the importance of love and connection, different parenting styles, understanding your child and their big feelings, discipline, boundaries, play and lots more.
Please note that this course is aimed specifically at parents of baby’s to younger primary children.
Topics covered
- Session 1 Love is the foundation
- Session 2 Parents
- Session 3 Stronger, deeper, closer
- Session 4 Heart-led parenting
- Session 5 Discipline without shouting, force or fluster
- Session 6 Putting it all together
The Older Years Toolbox Course
What you will learn
In six sessions, The Older Years Toolbox Course will support you on your journey of letting go and handing over some of the controls as your young person learns to fly solo. Although the teen years can be challenging, they can also be some of the best years of your life – and theirs! This course covers a range of topics, including the importance of love and connection, different parenting styles, understanding your child and their big feelings, discipline, boundaries and lots more.
This course is aimed specifically at parents of older primary children to teens.
Topics covered
- Session 1 Love is the foundation
- Session 2 Parents
- Session 3 Stronger, deeper, closer
- Session 4 Heart-led parenting
- Session 5 Discipline without shouting, force or fluster
- Session 6 Putting it all together
A parenting course just for dads. Developed over 16 years ago here in Dunedin by us, this course helps dads to be the best dad they can be for their kids. It explores what we want from our kids and how what we do makes all the difference. This course is run over 6 weeks with 6 two hour sessions. Session topics include “Thinking about our kids?”, “What is the dads role”, Communication, Discipline, Nutrition and pulling it all together. The course is good humoured and interactive drawing on the experience of the facilitators and the knowledge of the men that attend.
Enroll for a course now or see for more information and find other support for dads.
“A different outlook on life, with different skills on how to deal with situations.”
“I changed a lot, I have goals and motivations now.”
“I listen more, and get angry less.”
“I have learnt aspects about being a father that I hadn’t previously considered, with ideas I can work on and think about. I look forward to putting it all into practice.”
“Stopped yelling at my kids. They are listening more. Getting on better.”
“Kids seem more open towards me. More hugs from them and wanting to spend more time with me.”
Parent Mentoring
Utilizing the experience of one of our parenting social workers/parent educators, we can tailor the help with parenting to your own specific need. This allows some flexibility for the unique situations presented by your family and it typically involves 4-6 sessions but can be longer if needed. Parenting can be a challenging and this individual coaching can help you feel more supported to make the changes that need to happen at home so that you and your family can live life well. The mentor may also be able to help with some other practical things that are impacting on your home environment and they can do this with your confidence.
When the social worker starts with you, they will firstly try to get a really good understanding of all the things that are happening for your family, and if any concerns have been raised, finding out what that means. They will then spend some time with you to understand your goals and put a plan together that builds on your abilities to be the best parent you can be.
“I’m now a lot more involved with my son’s upbringing.”
“I’ve learnt practical ways to get him to sleep.”
“I’m now thinking about how my children are feeling.”
“We are having more family fun.”
“I’m more flexible.”
“I loved all the great ideas and the input from the other course participants.”
This group is open to all kin carers and it meets on the first Monday of every month at 11:30-1:30 to share lunch, support each other and to discuss the challenges carers might find negotiating the challenges brought about by becoming the primary caregiver in their grandchildren lives. The group also meets with lawyers, government agency staff etc to help give practical tools for navigating this complex area.
Other ways we can help

Get in touch

Central Otago:
Alexandra Community House
14/20 Centennial Ave
Alexandra 9320
42 Macandrew Road
P O Box 2047
South Dunedin 9044
Office hours
Monday 9.00am - 5.00pm
Tuesday 9.00am - 5.00pm
Wednesday 10.30am - 5.00pm
Thursday 9.00am - 5.00pm
Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm
Saturday & Sunday closed
Find us at 42 Macandrew Road, right across the car park from the South Dunedin Catholic Church (see photos below). Plenty of space inside and outside for spending time with your kids.